fbpx I have booked a Catholic wedding abroad | Perfect Weddings Abroad

I have booked a Catholic wedding abroad

I have booked a Catholic wedding abroad, what do I need to do now?

With Catholic weddings abroad they are always booked on a 'special request' basis. If you'd like a catholic ceremony you must advise us before booking, and you must ensure that you understand the following in order for you to be able to have a catholic wedding:

  • Neither bride or groom may be divorced
  • You MUST be regular church-goers
  • At least one partner must have been christened a catholic (for some locations both partners must have been christened)
  • You must have spoken to your local priest to ensure that he/she is happy for you to have a catholic ceremony abroad
  • Your catholic priest is required to write to the priest overseas to confirm that he/she is happy for you to have a catholic wedding abroad
  • The paperwork is then done between your catholic priest here in the UK and the one overseas
  • You must regularly visit your church to discuss your wedding with your priest

We do not get involved with the paperwork that is done within the church, you must take responsibility for this and ensure that your catholic priest is doing the appropriate paperwork within the required timescales.