Getting married abroad is so simple and stress-free it's no wonder many couples escape abroad to have a last minute wedding. Imagine celebrating just the two of you, or with close family and friends at an intimate wedding in a location that's easy to marry in! Here is our guide to destinations which can offer last minute weddings due to the easy, un-complicated legal documents.
In Europe, Cyprus is one the easiest destinations, paperwork is straightforward as no translations are required. Our wedding packages start from £999
The Canary Islands is also a fantastic option as all legal paperwork is done in the UK beforehand. Wedding Packages start from £1,599
Further afield, the USA and certain Caribbean Islands offer a very short minimum residency, some just 24 hours! Also many Caribbean Islands offer FREE Wedding Packages.
Speak to an Experienced Weddings Abroad Specialist to help you plan your Last Minute Wedding Abroad - call us to find out more information on 0808 168 1210.